Bircham Centre News

Celebrating International Women’s Day
We’re delighted to host a special workshop for women to mark International Women’s Day

February 200 Club Winners
The winners in our February 200 Club draw have been announced.

Reaching Out to Make Reepham Even Better
We’re proud to support the Reepham Reaches Out initiative: can you help?

Winter Warm Room offering Advice Sessions
We’re thrilled that local Charity, Age UK Norfolk, is providing later life advice sessions in partnership with our Winter Warm Room initiative.

Sign Up for Our Newsletter!
To find out what’s happening each week at the Bircham Centre, sign up for our Newsletter!

Weekly Wellbeing Sessions
We’re delighted to announce that we have two new weekly wellbeing sessions happening in the Centre…

November and December 200 Club Winners
The winning tickets in our November/December 200 Club draws including the extra December prizes!

Warm Space Sessions to Continue
Thanks to Norfolk Community Foundation through Surviving Winter Fund, we can continue our Warm Space sessions at least until the end of March.