The Bircham Book Room is open any time you see the door open. Come and Browse!

Leaving a legacy for the people of Reepham

We rely on the support of the people of Reepham to meet the cost of running the Bircham Centre – the legacy from Samuel Bircham sadly didn’t include any kind of funding.

It actually costs £60,000 each year to keep the doors open – and that’s without doing any major work on the building, which is needed fairly regularly.  We rely mostly on grant applications to charitable bodies or local authorities to help with anything major.

The Charity Shop and Book Room provide a regular income – our thanks to everyone who supports this by buying, giving or volunteering.  The use of our rooms for meetings, office working and therapy sessions is another valuable source of revenue, as is the rental from the Library.

The 200 Club also brings in money and we’re hugely grateful to those who have joined this.  Membership costs just £12 per year and winners are drawn each month for prizes of £25, £15 and £10.  There are additional prizes at Christmas too.  Let us know if you want to join!

Gifts in Wills are an important way that the people of Reepham can be a part of ensuring the Centre can continue to serve future generations.  If you are thinking about changing or writing your Will, please consider leaving a gift to the Bircham Centre.

If you’d like to include a gift to the Centre in your Will, please click here to view our Legacy Giving leaflet, or pop into the centre and pick one up.  It gives guidance on how to word your legacy, depending on what you would like your gift to support.

Gifts to the Bircham Centre can also be made in memory of a loved one, and can take the form either of a gift to help with our running costs, or to purchase a specific item within the Centre or garden.

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